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The Icon Bar: Games: Eyes
  Phlamethrower (11:42 28/12/2000)
  Phlamethrower (12:35 3/1/2001)
    Dave (20:08 3/1/2001)
      [Steve] (01:29 4/1/2001)
Jeffrey Lee Message #85158, posted by Phlamethrower at 11:42, 28/12/2000
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I know we don't exactly have a 3D engine to try this in, but I was thinking it could be an interesting experiment to do a game where the view is actually based around two 'eyes', focused on a central object.

The way it would work is that a single line would be traced out from inbetween the two eyes, to work out the object in front to focus on. The two eyes would then be rotated to face this point, and the images given by rendering the scene from them layed ontop of each other (The central point will be in the middle, giving it focus).

This would make players look around a lot more, rather than just peering at different corners of the screen.

You could also add concussion effects, e.g. when you get hit or shot your eyes go out of focus a bit (e.g. both look different ways). Blinking could also be implemented, as well as auto-gamma correction (e.g. the screen gets darker when you step outside).

Would be quite interesting to do IMO, even if it isn't very practical.

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Jeffrey Lee Message #85159, posted by Phlamethrower at 12:35, 3/1/2001, in reply to message #85158
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Hasn't anybody got anything to say about this?
Like 'great idea', 'rubbish idea', 'no point whatsoever', etc?
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Dave Sloan Message #85160, posted by Dave at 20:08, 3/1/2001, in reply to message #85159
Posts: 58
I think we're all wondering how on earth you're going to manage this on one monitor, that's all. How are you going to do focusing? Central object is focused on, distance from central object causes a proportional blur? It sounds like a good idea, until you realise that eye focus is caused by having 2 eyes, 2 viewpoints, whereas here both eyes recieve the same signal from the monitor, so it's going to be very hard to conceptualise any realistic focus. I don't want to discourage you from trying out new ideas, innovation is needed desperately in FPS games now, but I'm not sure how you intend to manage a realistic system.

Now the auto gamma in stepping outside is an excellent idea, getting used to different light over time would be fantastic as a concept - it has a lot of potential and is quite easily transfered onto a screen - differentiate areas with an ambient light level, and on moving from one area to another the light level change causes an increase/decrease in gamma which reduces over time. Nice concept - could work well in a Half-Life style area - coming out of a dark tunnel into bright sunlight could be momentairily blinding, or eyes grow accustomed to the dark.

[Edited by 2 at 20:14, 3/1/2001]

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Steve Allen Message #85161, posted by [Steve] at 01:29, 4/1/2001, in reply to message #85160
AA refugee
Posts: 56
It would make bits of Half Life impossible - but I agree very nice idea. I think if you could simplify the first concept for use in todays engines it would also work - do you mean a sort of double vision effect when concussed? Or am I oversimplifying. It sounds a bit too realistic for me. Nice to hear actual original thoughts - there isnt a lot of innovation these days.

In the recent ProjectIGI (for instance) there is a touch where the view switches to third person when doing tasks that require concentration (opening doors etc).

Its touches like this and your ideas that make games feel fresh and different to what has gone before.

Do say if ive talked rubbish grin

RiscPC SA & Duron 600@850
ICQ: 51028779

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The Icon Bar: Games: Eyes